Further images of the forthcoming Sonic Models 56XX have been released. These feature the BR lined green and weathered versions.

Due to be shipped to the UK during June, the 56XX is now available to pre-order exclusively from Rails of Sheffield in the following versions:
S2101-01 – 5637. BR lined green, late crest. ( Now sold out on pre-orders)
S2101-01A – 5643. BR lined green, late crest. New.
S2101-02 – 6681. BR lined green late crest (small) weathered.
S2101-03 – 5633. BR unlined green, late crest.
S2101-04 – 6639. BR unlined black, early emblem.
S2101-04A – 5619. BR unlined black, early emblem. New.
S2101-05 – 5616. GW unlined green with GWR shaded lettering.
S2101-06 – 6623. GW unlined green with GREAT WESTERN lettering.
S2101-06A – 6671. GW unlined green with GREAT WESTERN lettering. New.
S2101-07 – 5609. GW unlined green with shirtbutton logo. New.
S2101-08 – 6602. BR unlined black with BRITISH RAILWAYS letting. New.
S2101-09 – 5644. GW Unlined green with plain GWR block lettering. New.
Rails state that several versions are close to selling out on pre-orders.

For more information and to pre-order, visit the Rails Of Sheffield website